

How about a little Before and After?  I love a good transformation.  Don't you?

 First, a little back story...Last year right around this time I got this itch to learn how to reupholster.  I posted about my first project here.  I've done a few things since then, including refinishing a large antique buffet, which is actually one of my very favorites.  You can see it here.  I love to find pieces that need a face lift and transform them into something pretty and new. 
{...and then sell them. I don't have room in my house for this stuff.}
It's fun and it allows me to be creative.  

Have a look at a small sampling of my pet projects....

Before..nasty, dingy, gray

After..glossy and bold.  {Go Colts?}

This next chair had such an interesting shape. I had to transform it. 
{the real before is that it was cane...that needed to be re-caned.}

I added the plywood....
 and fabric. 
Then I furniture waxed her up and voila....

One more.  

These little cuties I found while running in my neighborhood with my friend, Holly.  It was dark and rainy and I spotted these little treasures in someone's curbside trash pile.  After our run, Holly helped me load them up in the van, which felt a little like weird, like pillaging.  Still..I took them.  Their loss, my gain.

 I've done a lot more. And there are plenty more projects to do.
{Ryan *claims* that I have 7 chairs in the basement waiting for a new home...}

Happy Long Weekend, friends!



  1. Love it! And so jealous that you have the time, patience, and talent to do this. So, what's the deal - are you selling any of these or future chairs? I ask because my back room is in need of an interesting chair...

  2. I am always selling chairs,Kristin! The cobalt and white is available. The others on this post have found their new homes. Tell me what you want and I'll scout one out for you.
