
Book Review!

 Hey, I just finished another book, that I think you would like...especially if you are a dog lover.

It's called The Art of Racing In the Rain, and it looks like this...


I have never read anything else by this author, Garth Stein, but I will tell you that I really enjoyed his style.  The pages turned effortlessly, which is just the way I like it.

So, the book is not about dog racing...in the rain, as the title may suggest.  
It's a wonderful story of a man, a race-car driver {there you go, guys}, his beloved dog, Enzo,  and their life together.  A life full of victories and tragedies.

The narrative voice is the dog, which I originally thought would be, well...dumb, but it wasn't at all.  It captured my heart....and it made me want a dog...more than I already do.

I think you should read it...it's a great casual, recreational read and it won't take long.

I give you 2 pieces of advice...

1.  Kleenex...{I'm a crier and there are a few tender moments.}

2.  Heed the advice that was given to me when I started...."when you get to the part about the zebra, you are going to want to quit, but don't.  Just get through it. "   Good advice.  The Zebra part was....weird.

Happy Reading!


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