
Next Stop, Memory Lane

A couple of months ago I was at our Trinity Church worship gathering and the were playing Keith Green....
woah!  Blast from the past!  

Care to guess my age?

Keith Green was actually my parents' music.  But, I grew up hearing it at our house.  I told Ryan how nostalgic I got listening to this music, so he bought me a Best of Keith Green album.

{born in '79}

Okay, this music is pretty cheesy...but it stirs something up in me.  Something so sweet and familiar...like Muppets, and Fraggles and Annie....sigh, sweet memories.

Anyway, listening to Keith Green reminded me of something from when I was a kid...my parents had records...vinyls.  And one of Keith's records had a picture of his wife, Melody, on the back. It looked like this...

Do you know that I SWORE that was my mom on the album?!  
And why was she making a finger cross with that furry man?

This is why I thought that....

This is my mom in high school...isn't she pretty?

Well, needless to say, I was pretty glad that things didn't work out with the furry man and she married my dad so that me and my sisters could be born and listen to Keith Green's, So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt, while dancing around like goof balls. 

Kids have funny minds, don't they?

I have a lot of these good memories from my childhood...do you?


**UPDATE:  my mom just told me that I thought that John Oates of Hall and Oates was my dad!**


  1. Well no wonder your so cute!

  2. actually...you can not blame me for mistaking John Oates for dad...I need to find an old picture of dad...striking resemblance.

  3. Todd was forced to listen to Keith Green as well. LOL. Did you read the book Melody Green wrote after he died, No Compromise? Of course it is bittersweet but a wonderful story of his spiritual journey and how God used him in his short time on earth.

    1. Linda, no I haven't read that one. I'll have to put it on the list....I bet it was Todd who picked the pre-gathering music that day...he must love the memories too. :)
