
French Inspired

French inspired

I often find myself scouring Craig’s List for treasures that need a little lovin’. Sometimes there is nothing and then some days there is something special that really gets me excited….excited enough to tear up my hands pulling staples! Ouch!

Most recently, I found a little setee that I thought needed me!  I forgot to take a before pic, which I now realize would make things a whole lot more interesting for you…but I’ll just tell you that she wasn’t looking good.  The fabric was drab and dirty.  The stain was kind of meh.  So I got to work.

First, the hard work…stripping the fabric. This gets a zero on the fun and creative scale…ZEE-RO!  But it must be done!  So I got all that icky fabric off in preparation for the transformation! 

With the frame bare I got to sanding and then painting it a taupe-y neutral paint.  Then I distressed the piece to highlight her pretty details. Next, I applied a dry brush glaze and finished it all off with furniture wax for a silky furniture sheen. 

Once I had the frame painted I knew exactly which fabric I wanted to use.  I had fallen in love and purchased couple yards of this wonderful fabric a while back not knowing exactly how to use it.  I believe it was meant for this setee!  The fabric is chocolate and cream with a touch of purple. It has a wonderful linen-y texture and the print is a French script {so I don’t know what it says…} but it is gorgeous and so different!   The purple is an image of a wax seal...so much beautiful detail!

 I also have it in gray and white and I’m planning on using it on a wing back that is laying in waiting in the basement!
So, I will admit that the act of upholstering furniture is not really “fun”, but when it’s done…oh my!  So satisfying to see something transformed from yuck to wow!


And just as in the grand circle of life…she’s back on Craig’s 2 just weeks later! I can't keep all these projects, you know.  My house would be like an episode of hoarders! So, I fix them up and sell them.  It's fun.
 I wonder if her original owner would recognize her now? 



Arugula & Orzo Summer Salad

Hey, I’ve got a special treat for you! 
I first had this salad a couple of years ago at a friend's house and it wow'd me!  So simple and yet I couldn't get enough! I've shared it with my family and now, I want to share it with you!  
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 This Arugula & Orzo Summer Salad is one of my all time favorites! The combination of crisp, spicy arugula with chilled orzo pasta, {I love cold pasta!} tangy feta and sweet cranberries is a perfect combination of flavors!  This salad is light and refreshing and if you throw in a few strips of grilled chicken, you would be set for dinner! 

So, let’s get started!
Here’s the line up
1/2 package Orzo pasta-prepared  and chilled 
{I find that  1/2 the package a makes a good family size salad}
1 package of dried cranberries or dried cherries
1 bag of baby arugula lettuce
1-6oz.  container of crumbled Feta 
{if you’re crazy about Feta you might want break into a second container!}
1 Lemon for zest and juice
Olive Oil—You’re going to be drizzling.  
It’s completely up to you how much you use! 
Salt and Pepper-to taste
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Like most salads, the instructions are pretty basic.combine and toss! 
Start with the orzo and arugula in a large bowl.  
Next give it a drizzle with the olive oil 
{just do it like you would dress any salad—
you can always add a little more to moisten it up later}
Next squeeze in the juice of 1 lemon 
{If you really love  citrus , I’d zest the peel before squeezing the juice. }  
How about a little salt and pepper to taste?  Yes!
Give that a toss and then throw in the feta and cranberries. 
One final toss and then give it a taste!  
You might want to season it a little more or if you feel so inclined, add another drizzle of the olive oil. 
That's it!  Ready to serve!
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One thing I love about this salad is how great it tastes the next day!  The arugula really stays crisp!  So, don’t worry if you have some left over and definitely do not throw it out!!! 

Summer is officially here! 
 I hope you are having a great one!



Hello Stranger...

hello, stranger!

Oh wait, I guess I’ve been the stranger.  Sorry!  Recently a friend of mine said that she missed “the Nook”.  I took this as challenge to post more than 1x per year.  Is that so hard???  Sometimes, yes.  

The truth is I do really enjoy blogging, but time just gets away from me.  Doesn’t it do that to you too?

Confession: If I borrowed a fraction of the time I spend scrolling and “pinning” I could probably turn out a post or two....or a hundred. 

Anyhow, today I have something to share.  Something good, and I mean something that TASTES good.  And anything that tastes good is worth sharing, right? 

During all the aforementioned scrolling and pinning I found an interesting recipe pin and wouldn’t you know?  I actually made it!  What???  Yes, I actually made something I pinned and I liked it!  No Joke!
SO, The pin that inspired me was for Greek Yogurt Pancakes. 

(You can feel free to go over there for the recipe if you want.  I’m not trying to say that I INVENTED Greek yogurt pancakes, but I am going to give you my play-by-play right here at the nook.)

Now, know this…I am a pancake-traditionalist (butter and maple syrup and occasionally a few blueberries. That is it for me.) and I have a pretty slam-dunk recipe that I got from my grandma, so I’m not saying that this is “my pancake recipe” but this recipe is truly awesome because it’s way healthier than my grandma’s pancakes and I feel pretty good about eating these cakes….ALL DAY LONG.

This recipe is also simple…as in EASY.  The ingredient list is inexpensive too.  There is no reason not to try this.  

I’m calling mine Protein Packed Greek Yogurt Pancakes
PPGYP??? Ok, Maybe not.

Let’s just get started…

Buy this:

1 container (6oz) Greek yogurt (any variety-you really don’t taste the flavor much…at least I didn’t)
1 egg 
1/2 cup flour (whole wheat if you like)
1 tisp baking soda
A splash of milk or Light Vanilla silk milk (could be up to 1/4c.)

Do this….

Start by getting your griddle goin’.  Medium heat and give it a little spray of the cooking spray.
Now, In a bowl, mix up your egg and your yogurt until it’s nice and creamy. 
Next add the flour and baking soda and mix ‘er up.
You’re going to notice that this batter is THICK!  That’s okay because we’re going to use the milk to thin it out.  That’s why I say “up to” 1/4 cup.  Just get it to the consistency that you like.

Hopefully by now your skillet is nice and hot and you can get started cooking these babies.

SO, I don’t know if grandma taught me this or what, but I always make a “test pancake”.  It’s the first one and it’s tiny  and it tells me if my griddle is ready for the real thing.  Plus I like to use it to kind of sop up that cooking spray that is now kind of brown and yucky and doesn’t seem like anything I want to eat on my pancakes.  So if you want to, make a test pancake and if it’s a success move on to the real deal.

Using a largish spoon, spread out some batter on the skillet.  I like to make about 6 pancakes that are about 4 1/2 inches in diameter.  You can make em bigger or smaller.  If you are counting calories just keep track of how many you make and if they are all pretty close in size you can just do a little division to get the right caloric value per cake…make sense??

When the cake starts to bubble, go ahead and give it a flip.  And then cook it on the other side.  Don’t overcook it, but you do want it to have time to cook through.

Note: maybe it’s my cheep-o stove, but I find that any time I’m cooking pancakes, I have to keep turning my heat down a bit because the cakes are cooking too fast!  Do this if you think yours are getting overdone on the outside before the inside has a chance to set up.

When you’re done it’s time to dress these babies up! Like I said, I’m a traditional girl.  I love butter and maple syrup.  But in the spirit of these cakes being a “healthier” option I chose to dress them with a couple of spoonfuls of mixed berries that I had previously macerated with a little honey.  Mmmm….honey.

And, because I simply cannot do pancakes without maple syrupy goodness, I gave em a little drizzle of that too. 
(Love you, Mrs. B.)

IN the end they looked like this…. 

You want to know the kicker??  This whole bowl of pancake batter only has 330 calories…TOTAL! 

(in case you need proof….yogurt 120+flour 120+egg 70+silk milk 20=330!)

Here is my estimation of the caloric value of this scrumptious little meal…
3 pancakes  165 cal.
Berries (1/4 cup) 50 cal.
2 Tbs. Mrs B’s syrup  50 cal.
Total: 265 Calories
Protein: 10 Grams!!

So, now you see why I’d eat these ALL DAY LONG!

Quick Confession: I did. I made a batch for breakfast and then finished them off at lunch.   Guilty….or am I??  Please tell me that you're going to give these a try.


PS: This post was fun.  Maybe I won’t wait a year before posting again!